有一篇由一專門研究香港歷史的組織 -The Industrial History of Hong Kong Group-
另外我已對沙螺灣鎢礦場進行初探,有興趣者可到另一篇章沙螺灣鎢礦場初探-記(礦場建築、深溝開採區)/岸邊短綑 {鱟殼灣至䃟頭碼頭} 查看。
#none of these metalliferous mineral deposits is of economic or potentially economic proportion.
#Non-metalliferous Minerals
#Fissure veins of quartz are common throughout the granitic rocks, particularly in those exposed between Sha Lo Wan and Tung Chung. Many of these veins are weakly mineralized (see earlier), although Ruxton (1958) has also noted that some very wide quartz veins, often with open textures and cavities between the crystals, are non-mineralized.
*裂縫石英礦脈在整個花崗岩中都是常見的,特別是沙螺灣與東涌之間。儘管Ruxton(1958)也注意到,一些非常寬的石英脈 ,通常在晶體之間具有開放的紋理和空洞,但是這些礦脈中許多都是非礦化/非礦藏豐富的。
#The quartz at Hau Hok Wan was mined from a large (up to 30 m wide),non-mineralized quartz vein on the western side of the bay .
#Feldspar was also prospected in the Sha Lo Wan area, mainly from sporadic pegmatites containing small quantities of pink orthoclase.
# Minor quantities of apatite, garnet, topaz, fluorite, diopside, muscovite, biotite and beryl have been reported by Ruxton (1958) and Peng(1978) from veins adjacent to granitic intrusions in the She Lo Wan area. These occur sporadically as rich, Iocal concentrations of minerals,sometimes associated with skarn deposits.Ruxton (1958) has cautioned that such mineral ocurrencs sholud not be considered as representative of all quartz veins in the area.
*Ruxton(1958)和彭(1978)從沙螺灣地區與花崗岩入侵相鄰的礦脈,報告了少量的磷灰石,石榴石,黃玉,螢石,透輝石,白雲母,黑雲母和綠柱石。這些礦物質有時與礦物質濃度有關,有時與矽卡岩沉積有關。 Ruxton(1958)提醒說,不認為這些礦物是該地區所有石英脈的代表。 (也就是說這些礦物含量相對較少)
#Metalliferous Minerals
#A variety of metalliferous minerals occurs within the district, mainly in the Sha Lo Wan area.The mineralization occurs as two main types: 1) High temperature mineralization associated with interlacing quartz veins at the contacts between granite intrusions and host rocks. and 2) Moderate to low temperature mineralization associated with east southeast-west northwest trending quartz veins. The metalliferous minerals include arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, magnetite, molybdenite, pyrite and wolframite. Minor quantities of pyrrhotite and scheelite have also been reported (Peng. 1978; On Yang, 1979).
*礦區主要分佈在沙螺灣地區,礦化程度分為兩大類(1): 花崗岩入侵與主體岩石接觸處的石英脈交錯相關的高溫礦化。(2): 適度與東南\東至西\西北的石英脈相關的低溫礦化。所含的金屬礦物包括毒砂(即砷黃鐵礦),黃銅礦,方鉛礦,磁鐵礦,輝鉬礦,黃鐵礦和鎢錳鐵礦(即黑鎢礦,鎢錳鐵礦其實是統稱,若含錳較多則稱作鎢錳礦、含鐵較多則稱鎢鐵礦)。還報導了少量的磁黃鐵礦和白鎢礦(Peng,1978; On Yang,1979)。
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#Tymon Mellor: Mining for Wolframite at Sha Lo Wan started in late 1951 and by March, 1952 around 700 miners, growing to 1500 were working the hillsides on North Lantau. After an initial find in a gully on a weathered outcrop, the miners started digging tunnels to extract the minerals from the veins. Mining continued throughout the 50’s and into the early 1960’s.
*Tymon Lellor:沙螺灣礦場開採於一九五一年年末,一九五二年三月底,約七百名礦工開始工作。其中一千五百人正在大嶼山北部工作。經風化露頭的溝渠初步查找後,礦工開始挖掘隧道,從礦脈中提取礦石。礦業持續在五十年代和六十年代初期間。
#Mine Location
#Following the initial discovery of Wolframite (the main ore for Tungsten) on the hillside behind the village of Sha Lo Wan in 1951, illicit mine workings started to appear. Three stringer veins were located and these were initially excavated then a fourth vein was located high on the hillside, at around the 400m contour.
#The Government considered clearance of the shacks and buildings associated with the illegal mining works but instead awarded a number of temporary mining licences and allowed the new operator to clear and manage the sites. However, the then recently formed Mines Department; responsible for the management of the mining activities were not helping, as recorded in a 1952 memo, “subject to unnecessary red-tape from the Mined Department” delaying construction of the workers accommodation and starting of the legal mining.
*政府考慮清拆與非法採礦工程有關的棚屋和建築物,因此頌發了一些臨時採礦許可證,並允許新的經營者清理和管理場地。然而,當時才形成的礦山部門;對負責礦業活動的管理工作並無幫助,根據1952年的備忘錄記錄,礦場部門不必要的繁文 [ 繁文(red-tape)很多官方的規定、條款和繁瑣的做事程序被稱為 red tape 「紅帶文件」,也就是「官僚作風」。據說,早在16世紀時的英國,所有官方的文件會用紅色布帶系成一扎一扎的,從而也就出現了 red tape 這個比喻,比喻一件事的完成,要經過很多的文書手續 ],拖延了工人的住房建設和合法採礦的開工。
#Miners Accommodation
#The ongoing illicit workings had resulted in the pollution of the San Tau and Sha Lo Wan village water supplies with silt. With every heavy rain, silted water would flood the rice fields and cover them with sand (evidence of this is still visible today). The miners would get their supplies from the villages in Tung Chung, who’s fields had not been disturbed.
#The miners lived on the hillsides for months on end, living in holes, tunnels lean toe and grass huts. There were supported by hawkers and food vendors. The mineral finds were sold locally and one Wong Fook Cheung, an ex-Detective Sergeant, established himself in Ma Wan Chung as the main dealer. The minerals were shipped by junk to Castle Peak and Tsuen Wan although there was rumour at the time that they were also heading to Macau.
#In June, 1952 a survey was undertaken of the area, the illicit mining had been addressed and accommodation was being erected for the licenced workers. The mining process was simple; using hand tools, small tunnels were excavated along the mineral veins and the ore removed. It is noted in a 17 June, 1952 report that mechanization was not profitable due to the scarcity of the ore. The extracted ore was then crushed and washed in the stream waters.
#By January, 1953 the licenses had started to mobilise and clear the areas. Temporary mining licence number 12 had some 20 registered miners and was erecting accommodate quarters. The building and mining works were being managed by Mr H M Wade of Structural Products Co, a man with “some practical experience in underground mining”.
*到1953年1月,許可證已經開始動員和清理這些地區。十二號臨時採礦執照人員約二十名註冊礦工,正在架設宿舍。建築和採礦工程由結構產品公司的H M Wade先生管理,該公司具有“一些有實際在地下採礦經驗”的人。
主要礦場區域 |
#Temporary mining licence number 13 using Ton Loy Traders as the contractor had cleared an area and had constructed two quonset huts (a lightweight prefabricated structure of corrugated galvanized steel having a semi-circular cross-section). The contractor cut two deep trenches to get through the deep overburden and locate the mineralised area. These trenches can still be found on the hillside today.
*臨時採礦許可證13號, iTon Loy Traders作為承包商,已經清理了一個區域,並建造了兩個quonset hut(一種半圓拱形活動房屋)。承包商掘出兩條深溝,穿過深層覆蓋層,找到礦化區。這些壕溝今天仍然可以在山坡上找到。
#Temporary mining licence number 15 used Tailey Mining Co to prepare the site and establish quarters with 575 miners, many being local villagers. Again they used quonset huts and established an explosive magazine.
*臨時採礦許可證15號以泰利礦業公司來整備該處,並設有575名礦工,其中許多是當地村民。他們再次使用 quonset hut(一種半圓拱形活動房屋(圖片在下)(如各位也曾經過那一帶,在某位置石屎路旁亦可見一 quonset hut。),並建立了一個炸藥庫。
#A local company, The Bank Line (China) Ltd was interested in production of the ore for shipment to Japan, through Andrew Weir & Co, a local “reputable firm” as advised by the superintendent of Mines in a memo dated 7th January, 1953.
*在1953年1月7日的備忘錄中,一家當地的公司,中國銀行(中國)有限公司有興趣通過安德魯·維爾公司(Andrew Weir&Co)生產礦石,根據礦務總監的意見,指該公司是“信譽良好的公司”,
#Mining continued during the early 50’s using traditional methods, details of the production are limited but one record indicates that in December, 1952 2,866 catties or 1,433kg of ore was produced, approximately 12% of Hong Kong production and worth around HK$25,000 in 1952.
主要採礦區域 |
#In 1954 the Far Eastern Prospecting And Development Corporation Limited was formed and took over the mining license. They established a facility and started large scale working that were active until the 1960’s. The company was dissolved in 1979.
1963 年衛星圖 |
The Industrial History of Hong Kong Group, 於2014年攝 |
quonset hut ,一種半圓拱形活動房屋 (非沙螺灣攝) |
1952年的地圖,當時仍未開始正式開採 |
1952 |
1952 |
約50年前一帶的衛星圖 |
1957年的地圖,可見己出現一些變化(如建築) |
1975年一帶地圖 |
1975 |
1975 |
1987年的地圖,礦場的痕跡己消失 |
1987 |
1987 |